Frequently Asked Questions

双方决定签署新的联合协议,并探索两家公司之间潜在的战略合并. Ambrose and Mount Mercy brings exciting possibilities. It also brings many questions. We provide answers to the most frequently asked questions here. 

Why are St. 可以买滚球的正规平台与Mount Mercy大学签署协议,探索战略合作?

St. 可以买滚球的正规平台和Mount Mercy大学是两所长期独立的大学, private and not-for-profit Catholic universities based in Iowa. St. Ambrose was founded in 1882 and Mount Mercy in 1928. 这两所大学在教育方面有着一致的价值观、信仰和优先事项. 这两所学校在学生成功就业方面都享有很高的声誉. 鉴于这些共同的价值观和过去合作的成功成果, the presidents of each university, Dr. Amy Novak of St. Ambrose and Dr. Todd Olson of Mount Mercy, 是否采取积极主动的方法来应对当前的高等教育格局,以增加传统学生和成人学习者获得优质教育的机会和负担能力.

What are the terms of this new joint agreement?

新的联合协议允许学生选修两所大学的一系列课程(面对面或在线)。, starting in fall 2024. This arrangement, which was approved by each university’s board of trustees, 是否会从2024年秋季开始为两所大学的本科生和研究生提供更多的途径. 两所大学还在敲定第二份协议,以促进合格学生从本科到研究生学位课程的无缝过渡.

What led to the signing of this agreement? 

Beginning in January of 2023, the president of St. Ambrose University, Dr. Amy Novak, and the president of Mount Mercy University, Dr. Todd Olson, began to discuss whether, and how, 这两所大学可能会以互利和丰富的方式走到一起. Those initial meetings led to further conversation, 这导致了对战略关系可行性长达一年多的探索.


2023年1月,大学校长们开会讨论天主教高等教育的现状. 这些讨论导致两所大学在2023年6月达成了一项护理衔接协议. 可以买滚球的正规平台学生在申请Mount Mercy的MSN项目时享有优先准入权.

In that same month, 一个由两所大学董事会成员和主要大学管理人员组成的工作组召开会议,概述了一份可能深化合作的联合愿景声明.

In December 2023, 两所大学的董事会签署了一份意向书(LOI),开始一个强有力的尽职调查过程,并探索一个更深入、更全面的合作的潜力, 包括通过共享管理操作来降低成本和提高运营效率的潜力.

In January 2024, 校长们再次合作(与洛拉斯大学和克拉克大学的校长一起),共同撰写了一篇关于天主教高等教育如何成为爱荷华人的财富的专栏文章.

In April 2024, 经审查多数结果的尽职调查程序, the respective boards voted to continue pursuing a possible combination. Also in April 2024, 两所大学的教务长签署了一项新协议(有时称为合作协议或共同注册协议),允许学生在任何一所大学学习一系列课程, beginning in fall 2024.

Are you forging this agreement to save costs?

该协议的目标是扩大传统学生和成人学习者获得优质教育的机会和负担能力. 如果两所大学进行战略合并,未来可能会节省成本,提高运营效率.


St. 可以买滚球的正规平台分享了以下关于其实力和稳定性的关键指标:

  • Endowment of $220 million as of June 30, 2023. This is up 40% over the past five years.
  • 36th largest endowment out of 187 Catholic Colleges (
  • 捐赠也基本上是不受限制的,只有21%的捐赠受到捐赠者意愿的限制.
  • Strong unrestricted resources, 不受限制的现金和投资超过年度开支的275%和长期债务的410%.
  • Low levels of long-term debt, with debt under 20% of total assets.
  • Department of Education Composite Score that is consistently at 3.0, the highest level.
  • Consistent full-accrual operating surpluses.
  • Bond rating of A- with a stable outlook.

Mount Mercy大学分享了以下衡量其实力和稳定性的关键指标:

  • Endowment of $39.3 million as of June 30, 2023. This is up 41% over the past five years.
  • Total debt of $12.9 million as of June 30, 2023. 这还不到总资产的15%,也不到年度运营预算的50%.
  • Bond rating of B (Forbes).
What is the enrollment of each institution?

St. Ambrose University has a total of 2,706 (both full and part-time, graduate, and undergraduate) students enrolled in the 2023-24 academic year.

Mount Mercy University has a total of 1,449 (both full and part-time, graduate, and undergraduate) students enrolled in the 2023-24 academic year.

How does the collaboration between St. 可以买滚球的正规平台和Mount Mercy代表了天主教高等教育的新模式?

此次合作代表了一种积极主动的方法,以充分利用两所大学目前的学术和财务实力. Ambrose and Mount Mercy and lays the foundation for a new, responsive, and sustainable model of Catholic higher education.

Father Dennis Holtschneider and Dr. Donna M. Carroll, co-presidents for the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, 说明这正是他们一直鼓励大学探索的积极活动类型. 卡罗尔说:“我们知道,对于我们的学院和大学来说,这是一个充满挑战的时期. “We fully support the work St. 可以买滚球的正规平台和Mount Mercy正在为天主教高等教育创造一个积极响应和可持续发展的未来.”

慈悲修女会和津库拉大主教也发表了支持这一创新模式的声明 here.

Can you describe the potential strategic combination being pursued?


A strategic combination will allow both institutions to share resources, administrative functions, 规模经济实现成本节约和运营效率, 为大学提供长期可持续性,并降低学生和家庭的成本.

Even if a combination happens, both universities will maintain separate residential campuses, separate co-curricular programs, and both the St. Ambrose and Mount Mercy names will be maintained.

What if the strategic combination does not move forward? 

The two universities will continue to operate independently, with their joint academic agreements still in place.

How will you keep the public informed as you move forward? 

We will update this FAQ as we move forward in the process. Consider bookmarking this page and checking back regularly for updates. We also will reach out proactively to our communities with updates.

So, what's next?

Are you ready to take the next step? 点击下面的访问按钮,了解更多正规买球平台有哪些的虚拟和亲自访问选项.