
Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Communities

In an effort to address our overall goal of making St. Ambrose a welcoming and inclusive community the University fully endorses the formation of Bee Inclusive Employee Affinity Work Groups.

All employee participation is by volunteer participation. University employees include Staff, Faculty, and Administrators.

Read descriptions of current affinity groups below; this list will be updated as groups get added.

1. Provide a support group for employees who identify within a certain affinity group.
2. Provide potential support for students identifying within a certain affinity group.
3. Provide opportunities for interview candidates to speak with employees regarding the University and community culture relative to a particular affinity group.

Start an Affinity Group


Want to start your own affinity group?

Each group must have a mission statement, a value proposition, and at least one facilitator.

For more information, contact 瑞安马具商.



The 亚洲蜜蜂群落 will serve as a supportive network of SAU faculty and staff, bound together by their Pan-Asian heritage, to share their experiences and culture with each other, and to provide mentorship and moral support to SAU Asian students, in order to foster and compassionate and encouraging environment for all members to thrive in. An outreach component will also be explored, in the hopes of developing a connection with SAU's Asian community to the larger QC Asian community-at-large.

The benefits to University employees by joining and participating with the Asian Bee Affinity group, will be that members will have a reliable place to go to if they seek advice, are missing relating to people with similar backgrounds, and want to find other that relate to the unique challenges due to being Asian in the U.S.


Black Professionals in Higher Education Network (BPHN)

Establish a greater sense of community and mutual support among the Black employees of the University through networking opportunities designed to empower and enhance the cultural diversity within the University, as well as enhance and support the academic mission of the University.

通过参与, University employees will have a deeper understanding of both the challenges and opportunities Black students and employees are facing here at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台. Employees' would also benefit from the engagement opportunities afforded such a group.



Foster a greater sense of community and to build a support network for 西班牙裔和拉丁裔 staff at all levels and strengthen professional and social relationships between employees, 大学, 和正规买球平台有哪些. Through mentoring and networking, this affinity group will contribute to provide a support system that will enhance cultural diversity and the academic mission and strategic planning of St. 可以买滚球的正规平台.

By joining the 西班牙裔和拉丁裔 Bee Inclusive Affinity Group employees will get a space to discuss and celebrate their culture, 语言, 和身份. They will contribute to the visibility of the group on campus and therefore create a more diverse and inclusive environment.

Dr. 埃德温Ubeda
Dr. 阿图罗Meijide

Promoting Acceptance and Respect Among Diverse Employees (PARADE)

Our mission is to provide a sense of community and belonging to LGBTQ+ and ally employees here at St. 可以买滚球的正规平台. Our primary focus is to provide mentoring, recruitment, and support for LGBTQ+ employees and allies. 另外, we work with other groups on campus in order to help increase visibility and education regarding LGBTQ+ issues.

This affinity group is open to any employee on campus who self-identifies in the LGBTQ+ community or as an ally. In participating in this affinity group, members will receive a safe and confidential environment in which to voice concern and discuss LGBTQ+ issues on campus. Affinity group members will also have a place for solidarity and representation on issues impacting LGBTQ+ employees, not to mention unicorns, 彩虹, 花, 闪闪发光的, 和阳光.



父母 Bee Inclusive Affinity Group Provides a space where conversations about family-first are discussed without judgment aiming for a family-first work environment.

Participants will have a judgment-free space to discuss parenting while working in today's world.




Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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